Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bow Giveaway!!!!

So, I am having my very first ever GIVEAWAY, and I am super excited!  Honestly, I have a few precious bows leftover from that super fun craft fair, and thought I would share the wealth with the friends that read my blog!  Here's how it will work, leave a comment by the end of the day Friday, and I will draw a number on Saturday morning!  If you are the lucky winner, I will give you this fun bow that goes with ANYTHING, and a flower of your choice, meaning you pick the ribbon color.
These are just a few samples, but I have several more choices!  I know some of you don't have girls, therefore needing no reason to try and win a bow, but think of someone fun you could surprise!  Plus, the flowers make a great accessory for adults too!  Thanks for stopping by and good luck!